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LearnEnglishBest / Для самых маленьких / Загадки на английском для детей на тему New Year - Новый год

I come with cold and snow.
But you like me and know.

(Winter) - Зима

It's blue by night,
By day it's white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky.

(Snow) - Снег

As beautiful as the setting sun,
As delicate as the morning dew;
An angel's dusting from the stars
that can turn the Earth into
A frosted moon.
What am I?

(Snow) - Снег

My life can be measured in hours,
I live by being devoured.
Thin I am fast, Fat I am slow
The wind is always my foe.

(Candle) - Свеча

Tool of thief, toy of queen.
Always used to be unseen.
Sign of joy, sign of sorrow.
Giving all likeness borrowed.

(Mask) - Маска

Fat and gay, on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day by day he grew and thined,
And so we brought his younger brother in.

(A calendar) - Календарь

This is the season when fruit is sweet,
This is the season when school-friends meet.

(Autumn) Осень

This is the season when vegetables grow,
I come to the garden and make water flow.

(Summer) - Лето

Higher than a house, higher than a tree -
Oh, what can that be?

(The sky) - Небо

Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.

(Time) - Время

An arm points north, east, south, then west.
Ever in circles, never pausing to rest.
It passes its brother twenty three times,
As the sun passes by and the moon starts to climb.

(Clock) - Часы

A precious stone, as clear as diamond.
Seek it out whilst the sun's near the horizon.
Though you can walk on water with its power,
Try to keep it, and it'll vanish ere an hour.

(Ice) - Лед

Загадки на английском для детей на тему New Year - Новый год
Загадки на английском для детей на тему New Year - Новый год

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