Топик Pen Friends and Emails – Друзья по переписке
Modern technologies made it possible for people to communicate easily in a way which is more convenient for them. There are different ways of communication today: older ones like post, telephone and fax and modern ones like email, SMS and social media sites. It has become much easier to write an email and send it to your friend or colleague and you are sure that it will reach its addressee in a few seconds even if the distance between you is huge.
It has also become very easy to meet new people and make friends at distance. With the help of such social media sites like Instagram, Facebook or their Russian analogues VK.com or Odnoklassniki you can either find people who you have lost contact with or make new friends. Forums and chats help people with similar interests to create groups and discuss things that interest them. Many of them meet in real life and communicate.
As for me, I consider myself a "digital native" and I am interested in new gadgets and the Internet. I usually spend my free time on social media sites too. I have profiles on Instagram and Facebook and post pictures and status updates. It's nice to get comments on them and also it is cool to hear from people who you haven't heard from for a long time. Furthermore, it is easy to drop a message to your friends or discuss something online. My parents are "digital immigrants", so I had to teach them to use the Internet and email. I am proud that I succeeded in it and now they have their own profiles on some social media sites and use email often.
I have got some pen friends too. One of them, Tom, lives in America in Texas. He is my peer and we usually drop each other emails. On the one hand, it is extremely interesting to know what life is like in America and learn about their habits and culture. On the other hand, I have a very good opportunity to practice my English. I ask Tom to correct mistakes in my letters and this really helps me in my studies.
My other pen friend's name is Angela, she is from Bonn, Germany. She speaks English well and she is fascinated by Russia and our traditions and way of life, so I tell her about my country and the way we live here. Angela is thinking of learning Russian as a second foreign language.
I think it is really important to have pen friends from different countries. This will help you practice English or another language that you learn and also it will give you an opportunity to learn something about the life of other countries and their culture.
Вопросы к топику – Questions:
- Are you a "digital native"?
- What ways of communication do you personally use?
- Which do you use more often, post or email?
- What are the ways of communication?
- What in your opinion is the most convenient way of communication?
- What about your parents/grandparents? Are they "digital natives" or "digital immigrants"? Why?
- What is your opinion about social media sites?
- Why do you use these sites?
- Do you have a profile on any of the social media sites?
- Do you use internet chats or forums?
- Have you ever met people from chats and forums in real life?
- Have you got any pen friends? Where are they from?
- Do you think it might be dangerous to meet users from internet chats and forums in real life? Why (not)?
- What do you think about pen friendship in general?
- What similar interest do you have?
- Would you like to have pen friends from all over the world? Why (not)?
- Why is it important to have pen friends?
Словарь – Vocabulary:
addressee - адресат
analogue - аналог
attach - прикреплять (файл к электронному письму)
blog - блог
bulletin board (message board) - электронная доска объявлений
chat - чат
chat room (chatroom) - «комната» чата, посвященная определённой теме
communicate - общаться
convenient - удобный
cyberspace - интернет-пространство, виртуальное пространство
dating site - сайт знакомств
digital - immigrant плохо знакомый с техническими новинками
digital - native хорошо знакомый с техническими новинками
domain - домен
email - электронная почта
firewall - система защиты доступа
forum - форум
instant messaging - обмен мгновенными сообщениями
internet address - интернет-адрес
link - ссылка
network - сеть
online phone calls - интернет-звонки
post - публиковать объявление в электронном дневнике, блоге или на сайте
pen friend - друг по переписке
profile - профиль (анкета) в социальных сетях или на сайтах знакомств
screen name - ник в чатах и на форумах
SMS (short messaging system) - CMC-сообщение
social media/networking site - социальная сеть
SPAM - нежелательная почта
subscribe - подписываться (на сайт, рассылку)
toolbar - панель инструментов
upload - загружать что-либо в интернет (на сайт)
username - имя пользователя
video conference - видеоконференция
vlog (videoblog) - видео-дневник, видео-блог
webmaster - разработчик веб-страниц
website (internet site) - интернет-сайт
План для рассказа по топику «Друзья по переписке»:
- Вступление (Modern technologies made it possible for people to communicate easily in a way which is more convenient for them. There are different ways of communication today: older ones like mail, telephone and fax and modern ones like email, SMS and social media sites. It has become much easier to write an email and send it to your friend or colleague and you are sure that it will reach its addressee in a few seconds even if the distance between you is huge.).
- Рассказать о самых распространённых интернет-сайтах и социальных сетях, которые позволяют общаться с друзьями и знакомыми, о своём отношении и отношении своей семьи к ним (social media sites, Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/VK, forums and chats; "digital native"; I usually spend/don't spend my free time on social media sites; I have/don't have profiles on Instagram/Facebook/Odnoklassniki, etc.; post pictures/status updates/get comments, etc.; "digital immigrants", teach parents to use the Internet and email).
- Рассказать о своих друзьях по переписке, если они есть, по следующей схеме: age, occupation (pupil/university student, etc.), place of living (country), topics that you discuss, interests.
- Заключение (I think it is really important to have pen friends from different countries. This will help you practise English or another language that you learn and also it will give you an opportunity to learn something about the life of other countries and their culture).
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