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LearnEnglishBest / Рассказы, статьи / Топик My favourite holidays and celebrations

Топик My favourite holidays and celebrations - Мои любимые праздники

I want to tell you about my favourite holidays. Russians like holidays a lot. We usually celebrate each of them with a lot of food and presents and in big groups of relatives and friends.

I like New Year a lot. My mother and I usually decorate a New Year tree with colourful glass balls and toys. I also like cooking New Year supper, especially Olivier salad. At night we have a real feast. We eat what we have cooked and watch TV. After clock strikes midnight, New Year comes. We drink champagne and give each other presents.

My other favourite celebration is my birthday which is in September. On this day I am in the centre of attention. My parents and friends give me presents, and I usually have a birthday party at home. I invite close friends and we have fun together.

I also like St.Valentine's Day, which is a new holiday in Russia. It is celebrated on the 14th of February. On this day I usually give small greeting cards to all my friends as a sign of my attention. We also have Love mail at school. A box is placed on the ground floor of the building and anybody can put into it a card with the name of the person it is addressed to and the number of the form. In the middle of the day the mail is delivered and it is nice to get a card from a person you don't know.

I really enjoy holidays and celebrations!

Словарь - Vocabulary:
be addressed [bi: a'drest] быть адресованным
be delivered [bi: di'livad] быть доставленным
celebrate ['selibreit] отмечать
celebration праздник
close friend ['klauz frend] близкий друг
colourful разноцветный
decorate ['dekareit] украшать
feast [fi:st] пир
glass ball стеклянный шар
relative ['relativ] родственник
strike [strark] бить (о часах)

Вопросы к топику - Questions:

  1. What are your favourite holidays?
  2. Do Russians have holidays?
  3. How does your family celebrate them?

Топик My favourite holidays and celebrations - Мои любмые праздники

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  • English idioms - U - Английские идиомы - U [russian]
  • English idioms - T - Английские идиомы - T [russian]
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