«Съедобные» идиомы на английском
Предлагаем вашему вниманию подборку английских "съедобных" идиом. Для наглядности приведены примеры использования.
Full of beans – полон энергии.
After the sleep, I was again full of beans.
Nuts about something / someone – без ума от чего-то / кого-то
Mary is nuts about cats.
A piece of cake – что-то простое, элементарное; проще пареной репы.
I was afraid of the test, but it was a piece of cake.
Butter someone up – быть крайне любезным с кем-то (в целях личной выгоды). [ в русском подмаслить, задобрить ]
We’ll have to butter Dad up before we tell him the news about the broken car.
Bread and butter – средства к существованию.
Teaching is my bread and butter.
Egg head – заучка/ботан
Elizabeth passed all of his exams. He is such an egg head!
Cheesy – глупый
Sometimes I like watching cheesy films because I don’t need to think.
Big cheese – влиятельный человек (VIP)
David is the boss of the whole sales and marketing department. He is a big cheese.
Bring home the bacon – зарабатывать на жизнь.
My husband has had to bring home the bacon alone ever since I broke my leg.
Cool as a cucumber – расслабленный, спокойный.
I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to USA.
Couch potato – ленивый человек, проводящий много времени перед телевизором
Marta is such a couch potato. She just sits around all day watching television!
Cream of the crop – лучший в своем роде.
Yesterday John bought DVD with the cream of the crop of this season’s movies.
Tough cookie – целенаправленный
Tom ran the race even though he was injured. He is a real tough cookie!
Top banana – лидер группы/ руководитель коллектива
Helen is the captain of the netball team. She is the top banana!
Apple of one’s eye – чей-то любимчик.
Baby Emily is the apple of her father’s eye.
Bad apple – вызывающий проблемы, трудный человек
Nick is a real bad apple. He always causes trouble at work.
Sell like hot cakes – расходятся как горячие пирожки.
The new iPhone 6 Plus sells like hot cakes.
Sour grapes – притворство отвращения к тому, чего не можешь иметь
Timmy said that Bob’s hat was silly. It’s just sour grapes!
Lemon law – американский закон, который защищает покупателей неисправных машин
Mark bought a car that broke down straight away! Luckily she was protected by lemon law.
Make one’s mouth water – слюнки текут.
The restaurant is supposed to be wonderful and every time that I see the menu it makes my mouth water.
sugar daddy – спонсор, богатый пожилой поклонник молодой женщины.
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