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Lady Writer Lyrics (Dire Straits)

LearnEnglishBest / Анекдоты / Shark Fishing

One day the pope was in from Italy and after a rough week of meeting arch bishops and other religious figures, he decided to go see the Galveston shore in Texas.

When he arrives in his popemobile he sees a man struggling for his life against a shark.

Upon a closer look he notices that it is John Kerry.

Horrified he starts to call for help when a speedboat pulls up along side Mr Kerry, with GW and Dick Cheney on board. Dick Checny leans over and pulls him out. Then George W, and Dick Cheney begin to beat the shark to death with baseball bats.

The two men notice the Pope and land the boat on the beach.

The pope said to the men,

"I know that there has been a lot of attention and a lot of strife in this election, but I can see that you two men respect each other and would help each other in their house of need. You have my blessings"

Then the pope packs off and drives out of site.

Bush asks, "Who was that?"

"That was the pope Mr President, he is all knowing and in touch with god. Leader of the Catholic Church" Said Dick.

Bush says, "Well that's all neat and fine, but he doesn't know anything about shark fishing. Hows the bait holding up?"

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