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LearnEnglishBest / Разговорник английского языка / Цвета и оттенки на английском языке

Практически полный перечень цветов и оттенков:

  1. aeneous - shining bronze colour
  2. albugineous - white-coloured
  3. albicant - whitish; becoming white
  4. amaranthine - immortal; undying; deep purple-red colour
  5. argentthe - heraldic colour silver or white
  6. aubergine - eggplant; a dark purple colour
  7. atrous - jet black
  8. aurulent - gold-coloured
  9. azuline - blue
  10. azure - light or sky blue; the heraldic colour blue
  11. badious - chestnut-coloured
  12. beige - light creamy white-brown
  13. brunneous - dark brown
  14. burnet - dark brown; dark woollen cloth
  15. caesious - bluish or greyish green
  16. cardinal - deep scarlet red colour
  1. castaneous - chestnut-coloured
  2. castory - brown colour
  3. celadon - pale green; pale green glazed pottery
  4. celeste - sky blue
  5. cerulean - sky-blue; dark blue; sea-green
  6. cesious - bluish-grey
  7. chartreuse - yellow-green colour
  8. chlorochrous - green-coloured
  9. chrysochlorous - greenish-gold
  10. cinerious - ashen; ash-grey
  11. cinnabar - red crystalline mercuric sulfide pigment; deep red or scarlet colour
  12. citreous - lemon-coloured; lemony
  13. citrine - dark greenish-yellow
  14. claret - dark red-purple colour; a dark-red wine
  15. coccineous - bright red
  16. coquelicot - brilliant red; poppy red
  17. corbeau - blackish green
  18. cramoisy - crimson
  19. croceate - saffron-coloured
  20. cretaceous - of or resembling chalk; of a whitish colour
  21. cyaneous - sky blue
  22. eau-de-nil - pale green colour
  23. eburnean - of or like ivory; ivory-coloured
  24. erythraean - reddish colour
  25. ferruginous - of the colour of rust; impregnated with iron
  26. flammeous - flame-coloured
  27. filemot - dead-leaf colour; dull brown
  28. flavescent - yellowish or turning yellow
  29. fuliginous - sooty; dusky; soot-coloured; of or pertaining to soot
  30. fulvous - dull yellow; tawny
  31. fuscous - brown; tawny; dingy
  32. gamboge - reddish-yellow colour
  33. glaucous - sea-green; greyish-blue
  34. goldenrod - dark golden yellow
  35. greige - of a grey-beige colour
  36. gridelin - violet-grey
  37. griseous - pearl-grey or blue-grey; grizzled
  38. haematic - blood-coloured
  39. hyacinthine - of a blue or purple colour
  40. heliotrope - purplish hue
  41. hoary - pale silver-grey colour; grey with age
  42. ianthine - violet-coloured
  43. ibis - large stork-like bird; a pale apricot colour
  44. icterine - yellowish or marked with yellow
  45. icteritious - jaundiced; yellow
  46. incarnadine - carnation-coloured; blood-red
  47. indigo - deep blue-violet colour; a blue-violet dye
  48. infuscate - clouded or tinged with brown; obscured; cloudy brown colour
  49. isabelline - greyish yellow
  50. jacinthe - orange colour
  51. jessamy - yellow like a jasmine
  52. kermes - brilliant red colour; a red dye derived from insects
  53. khaki - light brown or tan
  54. lateritious - brick-red
  55. leucochroic - white or pale-coloured
  56. liard - grey; dapple-grey
  57. lovat - grey-green; blue-green
  58. lurid - red-yellow; yellow-brown
  59. luteous - golden-yellow
  60. lutescent - yellowish
  61. luteolous - yellowish
  62. madder - red dye made from brazil wood; a reddish or red-orange colour
  63. magenta - reddish purple
  64. maroon - brownish crimson
  65. mauve - light bluish purple
  66. melanic - black; very dark
  67. melichrous - having a honey-like colour
  68. meline - canary-yellow
  69. mazarine - rich blue or reddish-blue colour
  70. miniaceous - colour of reddish lead
  71. minium - vermilion; red lead
  72. modena - crimson
  73. morel - dark-coloured horse; blackish colour
  74. nacarat - bright orange-red
  75. nankeen - buff-coloured; durable buff-coloured cotton
  76. nigricant - of a blackish colour
  77. nigrine - black
  78. niveous - snowy; white
  79. ochre - yellowish or yellow-brown colour
  80. ochroleucous - yellowish white
  81. olivaceous - olive-coloured
  82. or - heraldic colour gold or yellow
  83. pavonated - peacock-blue
  84. periwinkle - a bluish or azure colour; a plant with bluish flowers
  85. perse - dark blue or bluish-grey; cloth of such a colour
  86. phoeniceous - bright scarlet-red colour
  87. piceous - like pitch; inflammable; reddish black
  88. plumbeous - leaden; lead-coloured
  89. porphyrous - purple
  90. ponceau - poppy red
  91. primrose - pale yellow
  92. puccoon - blood-root; dark red colour
  93. puce - brownish-purple; purplish-pink
  94. puniceous - bright or purplish red
  95. purpure - heraldic colour purple
  96. purpureal - purple
  97. pyrrhous - reddish; ruddy
  98. rhodopsin - visual purple
  99. rubiginous - rusty-coloured
  100. rubious - ruby red; rusty
  101. rufous - reddish or brownish-red
  102. russet reddish brown
  103. sable - black; dark; of a black colour in heraldry
  104. sage - grey-green colour
  105. saffron - orange-yellow
  106. sanguineous - bloody; of, like or pertaining to blood; blood-red
  107. sapphire - deep pure blue
  108. sarcoline - flesh-coloured
  109. sepia - fine brown
  110. sinopia - preparatory drawing for a fresco; reddish-brown colour
  111. slate - dull dark blue-grey
  112. smalt - deep blue
  113. smaragdine - emerald green
  114. solferino - purplish red
  115. sorrel - reddish-brown; light chestnut
  116. spadiceous - chestnut-coloured
  117. stammel - coarse woollen fabric, usually dyed red; bright red colour
  118. stramineous - strawy; light; worthless; straw-coloured
  119. suede - light beige
  120. sulphureous - bright yellow
  121. tan - tawny brown
  122. taupe - brownish-grey
  123. tawny - brownish-yellow
  124. teal - greenish-blue
  125. terracotta - reddish-brown
  126. testaceous - of or having a hard shell; brick-red
  127. titian - red-gold or reddish-brown
  128. topaz - dark yellow
  129. tilleul - pale yellowish-green
  130. turquoise - blue-green
  131. ultramarine - deep blue
  132. umber - brownish red
  133. vermeil - bright red or vermilion colour; gilded silver
  134. vermilion - bright red
  135. vinous - deep red; burgundy
  136. violaceous - violet-coloured
  137. vinaceous - wine-coloured
  138. violet - bluish purple
  139. virescent - becoming green or greenish; of a greenish colour
  140. virid - green
  141. viridian - chrome green
  142. vitellary - bright yellow
  143. watchet - pale blue
  144. wallflower - yellowish-red
  145. wheaten - the golden colour of ripe wheat
  146. whey - off-white
  147. willowish - of the colour of willow leaves
  148. xanthic - yellow; yellowish
  149. zinnober - chrome green

Слово color имеет несколько синонимов, с отличающимися значениями:

  • Tint – оттенок, отлив.
  • Hue – оттенок, тон.
  • Tone – тон, тональность.
  • Shade – оттенок, тень.

Список основных цветов в английском:

  • White – белый
  • Red – красный
  • Green – зеленый
  • Black – черный
  • Yellow – желтый
  • Blue – синий
  • Orange – оранжевый
  • Brown – коричневый
  • Pink – розовый
  • Purple – фиолетовый, пурпурный
  • Grey – серый

Цвета и оттенки на английском языке

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