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Pleasure - Удовольствие

Pleasure - Удовольствие

Synonyms - синонимы:

  • amusement - развлечение
  • bliss - блаженство
  • comfort - комфорт
  • contentment - довольство
  • diversion - отвлечение
  • delectation - наслаждение
  • ease - простота
  • entertainment - развлечения
  • enjoyment - удовольствие
  • felicity - счастье
  • flash - вспышка
  • gratification - удовлетворение
  • gladness - радость
  • joy - радость
  • revelry - шумное веселье
  • satisfaction - удовлетворение
  • self-indulgence - потворство своим желаниям

Antonyms - антонимы:

  • gloom - мрак
  • melancholy - меланхолия
  • pain - боль
  • sadness - печаль
  • sorrow - печаль
  • trouble - беда
  • unhappiness - несчастье

Pleasure - Удовольствие
Pleasure - Удовольствие

Смотреть далее | 09.02.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Правила образования и чтения -ed форм в английском языке

Правила образования и чтения -ed форм в английском языке

1) Основной случай: прибавление к инфинитиву окончания –ed

cook [ku:k] готовить – cooked [ku:kt] готовил; приготовленный
talk [tɔ:k] говорить – talked [tɔ:kt] разговаривал
answer ['ɑːnsə] отвечать – answered ['ɑːnsəd] ответил

2) Если инфинитив оканчивается на немое –e или –ee, то прибавляется только –d

type [taıp] печатать - typed [taıpt] печатал; напечатанный
live [lıv] жить - lived [lıvd] жил
agree [ə'grı:] соглашаться – agreed [ə'grı:d] согласился; согласный
explore [ıks'plɔ:] изучать - explored [ıks'plɔ:d] изучал; изученный

Особые случаи:

1) Оканчивается на одиночную согласную с предшествующим ударным кратким гласным звуком.
Конечная согласная удваивается (для сохранения графической закрытости слога).
stop [stɔp] останавливать - stopped [stɔpt] остановил; остановленный
nod [nɔd] кивать головой – nodded ['nɔdid] кивнул
permit [pə'mıt] позволять - permitted [pə'mıtıd] позволил; разрешенный

Примечание: конечная x не удваивается, т.к. она передает два звука [ks или gz], и слог все равно останется закрытым.
mix [mıks] смешивать – mixed [mıkst] смешал; смешанный
relax [rı'læks] расслаблять(ся) – relaxed [rı'lækst] расслабился; расслабленный

Примечание: а вот примеры с предшествующим безударным гласным (из раздела – основной случай):
open ['oup(ə)n] открывать – opened ['oup(ə)nd] открыл
order ['ɔ:də] приказывать – ordered ['ɔ:dəd] приказал; заказал

1-а) Оканчивается на - r, последний слог ударный и не имеет дифтонга
Конечная r удваивается
prefer предпочитать – preferred предпочитал; предпочитаемый
occur случаться – occurred случилось, произошло

1-б) Оканчивается на - l с предшествующим кратким гласным.

Конечная l удваивается независимо от того, падает ударение на последний слог, или нет.
Этот пункт относится к правилам британской орфографии, а по американской – удваивается, только если ударение падает на последний слог, т.е. как в пункте 1.

Реально, в романах и сценариях встречается и так, и этак, чаще не удваивается после безударной гласной.
signal ['sıgnl] сигнализировать – signalled ['sıgnld] (брит.); и signaled (амер.)
travel ['trævl] путешествовать – travelled ['trævld] (брит.); и traveled (амер.)

Примечание: после ударного гласного удваивается в любом случае (как в п. 1)
compel [kəm'pel] принуждать – compelled [kəm'peld]

Примечание: после долгого гласного или диграфа естественно не удваивается (из разряда – основной случай)
cool [ku:l] охлаждать – cooled ['ku:ld] охладил; охлажденный

2) Оканчивается -y с предшествующей согласной:
Заменяется y на i (гласная сохраняет свое чтение как [aı] - в ударном слоге и [ı] - в безударном)
marry ['mærı] жениться - married ['mærıd] женился; женатый
dry [draı] сушить - dried [draıd] сушил; высушенный
study ['stʌdı] изучать – studied ['stʌdıd] изучал; изученный

Примечание: если перед y стоит гласная, то y сохраняется:
play [pleı] играть - played [pleıd] играл; сыгранный

Правила чтения

1) [ d ] – после звонких согласных (кроме [d]) и гласных звуков [b, g, v, ð, ʒ, dʒ, Z, G, m, n, ŋ, l, j, w, r + гласные]:
follow сопровождать - followed сопровождал; сопровождаемый
inform [ın'fɔ:m] сообщать - informed [ın'fɔ:md] сообщил; информированный

2) [ t ] – после глухих согласных (кроме [t]) звуков [p, k, f, θ, s, ʃ, h, tʃ]:
place [pleıs] помещать – placed [pleıst] поместил; помещенный
ask [ɑːsk] спрашивать – asked [ɑːskt] спросил; спрошенный

3) [ ıd ] – после звуков [d] и [t]:
invite [ın'vaıt] приглашать –invited [ın'vaıtıd] пригласил; приглашенный
end [end] заканчивать – ended ['endıd] закончил; законченный

Употребление -ed форм

Правильные глаголы образуют:

путем прибавления окончания –ed к инфинитиву (словарной форме). То есть у правильных глаголов ıı и ııı формы совпадают, а у неправильных – "Таблица неправильных глаголов"

II форму (прошедшее время; переводится прошедшим временем совершенного или несовершенного вида, напр.: читал, прочитал) и

III форму (причастие прошедшего времени или причастие ıı; от переходных глаголов переводится причастием страдательного залога прошедшего времени, напр.: прочитанный, спрошенный)

Правила образования и чтения -ed форм в английском языке
Правила образования и чтения -ed форм

Смотреть далее | 08.02.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Короткие фразы на английском языке

Короткие фразы на английском языке

  • Exactly! - Точно!
  • Аnything goes - Всё разрешено, всё пойдёт
  • Anything but - что угодно, только не
  • And how! - Ещё как!
  • Far from it - Совсем не так
  • For certain /For sure - Верно
  • Have had enough - довольно, хватит
  • Have something against - иметь против
  • I believe so/I suppose so - Я считаю, что так
  • I doubt it - Сомневаюсь.
  • I agree with you - Я согласен.
  • I should not say so - Я бы так не сказал
  • I am sure of it - Уверен
  • I think so / I don't think so - Думаю, да / Думаю, нет
  • I'm afraid so - Боюсь, что так
  • It looks like that - Похоже на то
  • In a way - В каком-то смысле
  • Just so - Именно так
  • Most likely - Очень похоже на то
  • Most unlikely - Непохоже, чтобы было так
  • No call for / no call to - нет причин для
  • No can do - Это невозможно
  • No such thing - ничего подобного
  • No doubt - без сомнения
  • No way - никоим образом; ни в коем случае
  • Not all that - вовсе не
  • Not at all - Вовсе нет
  • Not for a moment - никогда в жизни [дословно Ни на минуту]
  • Nowhere near - даже не близко
  • Nothing doing / No go - конечно нет
  • Nothing like that - ничего подобного
  • Nothing of the kind - ничего подобного
  • Naturally! - Естественно!
  • Right on! - Верно!
  • Quite so - Вполне верно
  • You don't say - Не может быть
  • You read my mind - Ты читаешь мои мысли
  • That goes without saying - Об этом и говорить не стоит
  • That's right - Правильно.
  • There is no denying it - Глупо отрицать это
  • To be sure - Уверен
  • To hell with - к чёрту
  • To a certain extent - В каком-то смысле
  • What the hell - какого чёрта / что, чёрт возьми
  • What's the idea of - В чём смысл, что за глупость
  • Короткие фразы на английском языке
    Короткие фразы на английском языке

Смотреть далее | 08.02.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Правила образования и чтения -ing форм в английском языке

Правила образования и чтения -ing форм в английском языке

Правила образования

1) Основной случай: прибавление к инфинитиву окончания – ing

Примеры: study ['stʌdı] изучать – studying ['stʌdııŋ] изучающий; изучая; изучение
read [rı:d] читать – reading ['rıdıŋ] читающий; читая; чтение
say [seı] говорить – saying ['seııŋ] говорящий; говоря; высказывание
enter  входить – entering входящий; входя

2) Если инфинитив оканчивается на немое –e, то оно опускается.

make [meık] делать – making ['meıkıŋ] делающий; делая; изготовление
write [raıt] писать – writing ['raıtıŋ] пишущий; писание
forgive [fq'gıv] прощать – forgiving [fq'gıvıŋ] прощающий; прощая; прощение

Примечание: но agree соглашаться – agreeing; free [frı] освобождать – freeing ['frııŋ]

Особые случаи:

1) Оканчивается на одиночную согласную с предшествующим ударным кратким гласным звуком

Конечная согласная удваивается (для сохранения графической закрытости слога).
sit [sıt] сидеть – sitting ['sıtıŋ] сидящий; сидя; сидение/заседание
stop  останавливать(ся) – stopping  останавливающийся; останавливаясь; остановка
begin [bı'gın] начинать – beginning [bı'gınıŋ] начинающий; начиная

Примечание: конечная x не удваивается, т.к. она передает два звука [ks или gz], и слог все равно останется закрытым:
relax расслаблять(ся) – relaxing
mix [mıks] смешивать – mixing ['mıksıŋ];

Примечание: а вот примеры с предшествующим безударным гласным (из раздела – основной случай):
open открывать – opening;
order приказывать – ordering

1-а) Оканчивается на - r, последний слог ударный и не имеет дифтонга

Конечная r удваивается (буква r произносится, т.к оказывается перед читаем. гласной).
refer обращаться – referring обращающийся; обращаясь; обращение
stir двигать(ся) – stirring деятельный; двигаясь; движение

Примечание: примеры с дифтонгом (не удваивается):
air проветривать – airing проветривающий; проветриваясь; проветривание;
wear  быть одетым/ носить - wearing
hear  слышать - hearing 

1-б) Оканчивается на - l с предшествующим кратким гласным

Конечная l удваивается независимо от того, падает ударение на последний слог, или нет.
Этот пункт относится к правилам британской орфографии, а по американской – удваивается, только если ударение падает на последний слог, т.е. как в пункте 1.
Реально, в романах и сценариях встречается и так, и этак, чаще не удваивается после безударной гласной.

signal сигнализировать – signalling (брит.); и signaling (амер.)
travel путешествовать – travelling (брит.); и traveling (амер.)
cancel отменять – cancelling (брит.);  и canceling (амер.)

Примечание: после ударного гласного удваивается в любом случае (как в п. 1): compel  принуждать – compelling

Примечание: после долгого гласного или диграфа естественно не удваивается (из разряда – основной случай): cool охлаждать – cooling

2) Оканчивается  - ie.

Конечное –ie заменяется на –y, (мало, всего несколько слов):
lie [laı] лежать; лгать – lying ['laııŋ] лежащий, лежание; ложный, ложь;
die [daı] умирать – dying ['daııŋ] умирающий; умирая; умирание;
tie [taı] связывать – tying ['taııŋ] связывающий; привязывание

Правила чтения

Окончание/суффикс –ing всегда произносится как носовой звук [-ıŋ] в котором не должен слышаться звук [g].

Употребление -ing форм 

Как правильные, так и неправильные глаголы образуют IVформу глагола прибавлением окончания –ing к инфинитиву (словарной форме).

Эту форму в английском языке имеют три части речи:

  1. причастие настоящего времени или причастие I (соответствует русскому причастию действительного залога наст. времени и деепричастию несовершенного вида, напр.: отдыхающий; отдыхая);
  2. отглагольное существительное (обозначает предмет, понятие или явление).
  3. герундий (обозначает процесс/действие);

Правила образования и чтения -ing форм в английском языке
Правила образования и чтения -ing форм

Смотреть далее | 07.02.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Сказка What is more precious? - Что дороже?

What is more precious? - Что дороже?

[ A Tatar tale - Татарская сказка ]

People say that there once lived an old merchant who had been putting money aside all his life and ha saved three thousand gold roubles.

The merchant had an only son. When the boy turned fifteen his father fell ill. He could no longer travel about on business, and so he called his son to him and said:

"It is time you took my place, son, and learn my business of trading. I shall give you a thousand gold roubles. Go with the other merchants to towns far away, and learn from them what you should buy and where sell it. Mind how you spend the money, and remember that there is nothing more precious in the world than gold."

The boy took the thousand gold roubles and went off with the merchants to a distant town. Once there, he did not go with the others to look for goods to buy, but went off himself to see what the streets were like. He came to a big house glanced into a window and saw a lot of young men sitting there and writing something. He asked the doorkeeper what they were doing, and this old man replied:

"It's a school. The bais' sons [bai – rich man] are learning how to read and write here. You'll be admitted if you have any gold to pay."

The boy entered the building and found the head teacher.

"I should like to learn how to read and write, esteemed sir," he said.

"A laudable wish," replied the teacher. "But do you have a thousand gold roubles? Ours is n expensive school, the sons of rich men study here. We charge a thousand gold roubles for teaching them."

The boy was delighted that he had exactly a thousand gold roubles, he gave the money to the teacher and remained in the school. The merchants looked for him and, failing to find him, returned home.

The boy studied hard, and within a year he could read an write better tan any of the other pupils.

"I have taught you everything I know," the teacher said to him. "You are literate now. Go back home."

He returned home. His father and mother were overjoyed to see him back, and then the father said:

"Now tell me, son, how you traded, and how you have multiplied our wealth. I gave you a thousand gold roubles, now how much did you bring back?"

"Forgive me, Father, but I did not bring back a single rouble," replied the son. "Instead, I have come back a literate man. For a whole year I diligently learnt how to read and write, and exchanged the thousand roubles for my literacy."

"Oh my poor, foolish boy!" wailed the father. "You must be quite stupid in the head if you failed to understand my instructions! Did not I tell you that there is nothing more precious in the world than gold? And you went and exchanged my gold for literacy! Can literacy keep the wolf from the door?"

"I did well to learn how to read an write, Father, it will help me in trade too. Give m another thousand, and I shall go with the merchants again."

This time he went with the merchants to another town. And again he did not go looking for goods with them, but went off by himself to take a look at the streets. He came to a house from whose windows music came pouring out. It turned out to be a music school where students were taught to ply the kurai (a type of flute). He found the head teacher and told him that he would like to enter this school.

"A year's tuition costs a thousand gold roubles," the teacher told him. "If you have the money, you may stay."

The boy paid the money and remained in the school. The merchants failed to find him, and went back home.

He studied diligently and within the year became the best kurai player in school.

"You have mastered the art," the teacher told him. "Go back home."

He returned home. His father and mother were overjoyed to see him back, and then the father asked:

"This time, at least, you did trade sensibly, I hope, and did not simply squander the money? Tell me, how you traded, how much profit you made."

"Forgive me, Father, I did no make any money this time either," replied the son. "I paid for my tuition again. Now I can play the kurai."

"Oh, why did Allah punish me with such a stupid son!" cried the father. "Surely you can't think that your music is more precious than gold?"

"Don't be angry, father. Give me your last thousand. This time I shall really get down to trading."

The father gave him his last thousand, and again the lad went off with the traders to a town far away. Here the traders found some fine goods for him to buy, struck a bargain and, leaving him to pay for his purchase, went off on business of their own. But the lad, instead of staying and settling with the merchants, went to take a look at the streets. He came to a house where boys were taught how to play chess. The head teacher told him that the tuition was a thousand gold roubles. The lad handed in the money, and stayed. The traders, failing to find him, went back home.

The lad studied hard and within the year was better than all the pupils and teachers. The time came to leave the school and return home.

"Show me the gold, son," the father said to him. "This time, I'm sure, you shall spare your father's feelings, you won't tell him that the money has been squandered!"

"Alas, Father, I did not bring back any money at all. But then I have learnt to play chess, and that's a very wise game."

"It has taken me a lifetime to save up the three thousand roubles and you went and squandered it all on nothing!" shouted the father. "I have nothing left at all! Go where you like, do what you like, I've done with you!"

The son left home. He was now eighteen years old, and was a big, strong lad. "I wish I could find work in a merchants' caravan," he was thinking. "Travelling with the merchants, I'd see the world."

A large caravan was just leaving on a long journey. The lad came to the caravan master and asked:

"You don't happen to need a labourer, do you?"

The caravan master looked him over and said:

"We do. You may stay. You'll work for your food and clothes. Were starting out early tomorrow."

The next day the caravan set off on its long journey. They crossed many lands and came to an arid steppe. People and animal were tormented by thirst, and there was no water. An old water well was found, and water could be seen sparkling on the very bottom. A pail was let down again and again, but it could not reach the water, and finally the rope broke and the pail was lost. The caravan master then said to hid labourer:

"You are the youngest here and very strong besides. Go down into the well and see why the water can't be reached, and get the pail while you're at it."

The lad was let down on rope into the well. When he was standing on the bottom, he saw that there was no water there at all, and what had sparkled there were gold coins. He tied the pail to the rope, filled it with the gold coins and gave it a tug, The pail was pulled out, and when the caravan-master saw the gold, he went crazy with astonishment and joy, and shouted:

"Is there more?"

"There is!"

The lad filled another pail, then another one. Altogether h sent up fifteen pails filled with gold coins.

"Is there more?" called down the caravan-master.

"No, no more. Pull me out now," said the lad and grippe the rope.

The men started pulling him up, but the caravan-master took out his knife and cut the rope. The lad fell to the bottom of the well. "What good is he to me now?" the caravan-master reasoned. "If I pull him out he'll start demanding his share of the gold, but with him gone it all belong to me alone!"

The lad took a look about him and saw an iron door in the wall of the well. He opened it and entered a tiny room. The shaitan lay sleeping there. "Oh, so that's whose gold I have been filling the pail with!" thought the lad. Hanging on the wall was a kurai. "It's all one for me now, so why not play for the last time." He took down the kurai and played. The old shaitan woke up and said: "For hundreds of years I've been living here in the dark, guarding the gold until I went blind. And now I can see again! It's your lovely music that has given me back my sight! Who are you, lucky lad? Ask for any reward you like."

"I don't ant anything at all, esteemed sir," replied the lad. "Please help me to get out of the well and catch up with the caravan."

Before the words were out of his mouth he found himself in the rear of the caravan, and took his place among the men as if nothing had happened. The caravan-master noticed him at once and cringed with fear: what would the lad do to him now? But the lad did not say a word to him and went about his work as before. This frightened the caravan-master even more. "He must be up to something too wily, if he keeps quirt like this. The moment we reach town he'll settle accounts with me. He's got be forestalled."

When the had two more days to go, he wrote a letter, gave it to the lad and said:

"Take the best horse, gallop to town and take this letter to my wife. I have ordered her to reward you well."

The lad took the letter and rode off, thinking: "This man has robbed me of the gold which I found and left me to die in the well. How can he be trusted? I'd better read what he has written to his wife. Knowing how to play the kurai has saved me once, and now knowing how to read will save me again."

Just outside the town, he stopped, and read the letter. "My faithful wife," it said, "I am bringing home untold riches. But if they are to belong entirely to us, the man who brings this letter has got to be killed. Tell me darling daughter that I shall be home soon to embrace her and shall buy her anything her dear hart desires."

The lad smiled a grim smile. Being acclaimed the best calligrapher in school had its uses, and now he wrote a new letter in the caravan-master's writing: "My faithful wife! I have grown rich with the help of this splendid young man. I have promised him our dear daughter in marriage. Let the wedding take place at once, and O shall be home in two days' time."

He gave the letter to the caravan-master's wife. She read it and said to her daughter:

"Father wants you to marry this young man. Will you?"

"Oh yes!" said the girl. She liked the young man very much. And the wedding was held that same day.

The next day, the lad went to take a look at the town as was his habit when in a strange place. He came to a great palace. People were crowding round it.

"This is the palace of our ruler, the padishah. He plays chess with the men here," people told him. "Whoever loses thrice to him has head chopped off, and if anyone wins three games from him he will get the padishah's beautiful daughter for wife. But it seems there's no better player than our padishah in the land. So many heads have rolled…"

"It seems the time has comet o put my chess-playing to the test," thought the lad. "I'll go and play with the padishah." And he entered the palace.

The great padishah was sitting behind a chess table with his viziers and army leaders standing round him. He was waiting for the brave who would have the courage to play with him. Everyone stared at the newcomer.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" asked the padishah.

"No, I'm no," replied the lad.

"When you've lost don't beg for mercy," said the padishah.

"I won't."

They began to play. The padishah won the first game, and the second, too.

"Your head's as good as hanging by a thread," said the padishah.

However, the lad won the third game, and then the fourth, and the fifth!

"Let's play again!' screamed the padishah.

"But I have already won your daughter," replied the lad. "What shall we play for now?"

"I stake half my kingdom!" screamed the padishah.

The vizier then whispered in his ear:

"O great ruler, it is incautious to stake half your kingdom."

"Never mind, I've only got to win once and then I'll chop his head off," answered the padishah.

The lad won again.

"I stake another lalf-kigdom!"

The vizier whispered to the padishah:

"O great ruler, you re risking all you have. It's too big a risk to run. Give him your daughter and half your kingdom."
"Oh no! This time I'll bet him and chop off his head, an everything will be mine as before!" shouted the padishah.

They began to play. And the la won again. And he said:

"I am the padishah now. I appoint you my chief judge. And I have no need of your daughter. I am already married. A large caravan is to arrive in the town tomorrow. Bring the caravan-master to the palace into my presence."

The next day, the guards brought the caravan-master into his presence. The man stared at the padishah and could not believe his eyes - could this be the same lad whom he had first left to die in the deep well and then sent home with a letter to his wife? The new padishah read his thoughts and said:

"Yes, I am the very same lad whom you robbed and twice tried to kill," and he told the courtiers the whole story. "It's for you to judge him, here he stands before you, blackguard that he is."

The courtiers together with the chief judge, the former padishah, brought out the verdict: chop off the blackguard's head!

And then the new padishah said:

"He will do no more evil. He is my father-in-law, I am married to his daughter, and I grant him his wife. Left him live."

Now, he ordered hid father and mother to be brought to the palace. The old man was overjoyed to find that his son had become a padishah.

"How did you manage to do this, my dear son, when you had no gold let at all?"

"Father, knowledge, as you can see for yourself, is more precious than gold," replied the son.



The Tatars live in their own republic (Tatarstan Republic) on the Volga and also in many regions to the east of the Volga and in Western Siberia. The Tatars are the second largest nation in the Russian Federation and number 6,317,000 people. The Tatar language became shaped in the 15th-16th centuries in the period of the khanate. Their traditional occupations are crop farming, vegetable gardening, cattle breeding and the craft.

Сказка What is more precious? - Что дороже?
The Tatars — Татары

Смотреть далее | 07.02.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Big Muzzy in Gondoland (best english learning cartoon, lesson 7)

Большой Маззи в Гондоленде, урок 7

Смотреть далее | 29.01.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Big Muzzy in Gondoland (best english learning cartoon, lesson 1)

Большой Маззи в Гондоленде, урок 1

Смотреть далее | 14.01.2024 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Higher Education in the United States - Высшее образование в США

Higher Education in the United States

There are about 3,000 colleges and universities, both private and public, in the United States. They are all independent, offering their own choice of studies, setting their own admission standards and deciding which students meet those standards. The greater the prestige of the university, the higher the grades required.

The terms "college" and "university" are often used interchangeably, as "college" is used to refer to all undergraduate education and the four-year undergraduate programme, leading to a bachelor's degree, can be followed at either college or university.

Universities is larger than colleges and also have graduate schools where students can receive post-graduate education.

During the first two years students usually follow general courses in the arts or sciences and then choose a major (the subject or area of studies in which they concentrate — the other subjects are called minors).

Credits (with grades) are awarded for the successful completion of each course. These credits are often transferable, so students who have not done well in high school can choose a junior college (or community college), which offers a two-year "transfer" programme, preparing students for degree-granting institutions.

Community colleges also offer two-year courses of a vocational nature, leading to technical and semi-professional occupations, such as journalism.

Высшее образование в США

Существует приблизительно 3000 колледжей и университетов как частных, так и государственных в Соединенных Штатах. Все они независимы, предлагая свой собственный набор дисциплин, устанавливая свои собственные правила приема и решая, какие студенты отвечают этим стандартам. Чем выше престиж университета, тем выше требуются зачеты и оценки.

Термины «колледж» и «университет» часто используются равнозначно, поскольку «колледж» используется в применении ко всему неполному высшему образованию, и четырехлетней учебной студенческой программе на степень бакалавра, которую можно пройти в любом колледже или в университете.

Университеты имеют тенденцию быть больше чем колледжи и также иметь аспирантуру, где студенты могут получить послевузовское образование. Продвинутые или университетские степени включают право и медицину.

Во время первых двух лет студенты изучают общеобразовательные курсы по искусству или науке и затем выбирают специализацию (предмет или область исследований, на который они концентрируются — другие предметы называют второстепенными).

Зачеты (с оценками) даются за успешное завершение каждого курса. Эти зачеты часто переводные, таким образом студенты, которые не очень успевали в средней школе, могут выбрать колледж с двухгодичным неполным курсом (или районный колледж), который предлагает двухлетнюю «переводную» программу, готовя студентов для институтов, предоставляющих степень.

Районные колледжи также предлагают двухлетние курсы профессионально-технического характера, направленные на техническую и полупрофессиональную подготовку, такую как журналистика.

Higher Education in the United States - Высшее образование в США
Education in the United States - Высшее образование в США

Смотреть далее | 15.12.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

Топик Music in the USA - Музыка в США

Music in the USA

Almost all American composers of note belong to the 20th century, and include such names as Charles Ives, Aaron Copland, Samuel Barber, Roger Sessions and Virgil Thomson. Edgard Varese and John Cage have gained fame as experimental composers.

It is through the development of popular music in the 20th century that the USA has dominated the western world. Jazz, a style of music created at the end of the 19th century by black Americans out of their gospel and blues songs, was being played all over the USA by both black and white musicians by the 1920s, and influenced the development of both dance music and popular songs in the 1930s and 1940s.

After the Second World War jazz and popular music developed in separate directions. Black musicians created a more sophisticated style called bebop. The rhythm and blues music that derived from jazz, combined with aspects of country and western music, developed into rock-n-roll in the 1950s with the music of Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and others.

In the 1960s some British groups, especially the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, became internationally famous and for a brief period popular music was dominated by developments in Britain. Since that time, rock has incorporated folk music, soul music has developed, and many social phenomena, such as drug culture, the civil rights movement and the peace movement, have found their expression in rock music.

The musical has also made an important contribution to popular music. Developing from the British music hall and American vaudeville early in the 20th century, composers such as George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Stephen Sondheim and Leonard Bernstein on Broadway, and Ivor Novello, Noel Coward and more recently Andrew Lloyd Webber in Britain, have made the musical into one of the most important forms of popular music.

Музыка в США

Почти все известные американские композиторы относятся к 20-ому столетию, среди них такие имена, как Чарльз Айвз, Эрон Копленд, Сэмюэль Барбер, Роджер Сессионс и Вирджил Томпсон. Эдгар Варез и Джон Кейдж получили известность как композиторы-экспериментаторы.

Именно благодаря развитию популярной музыки в 20-ом столетии США доминировали над западным миром. Джаз, стиль музыки, созданный в конце 19-го столетия черными американцами из церковной музыки и блюзов, к 1920-м годам играли по всему США как черные, так и белые музыканты. Джаз повлиял на развитие как танцевальной музыки, так и популярных песен 1930-х и 1940-х годов.

После Второй Мировой войны джазовая и популярная музыка, развивались в отдельных направлениях. Черные музыканты создали более сложный стиль, называемый би-боп. Сочетание ритма и музыки блюза, взятых из джаза, с аспектами музыки кантри и западной музыки, проявилось в рок-н-ролле в 1950-х годах в музыке Билла Халейя, Чака Берри, Элвиса Пресли, Бадди Холли и других.

В 1960-х годах некоторые английские группы, особенно «Биттлз» и «Роллинг Стоунз», стали всемирно известными, и в течение короткого периода на популярную музыку оказывали влияние события в Британии. Со времени, когда рок стал включать в себя народную музыку, появилась музыка в стиле соул, и многие социальные явления, например, движение за гражданские права и за мир, нашли свое выражение в рок музыке.

Мюзикл также сделал важный вклад в популярную музыку. Создав его на основе британского мюзик-холла и американского водевиля в начале 20-ого столетия, такие композиторы, как Джордж Гершвин, Коул Портер, Роджерз и Хам-мерстайн, Стивен Сондхейм и Леонард Бернстайн на Бродвее, Ивор Новелло, Ноел Ковард и недавно Эндрю Ллойд Веббер в Англии, сделали мюзикл одной из наиболее важных форм популярной музыки.

1. Why has the USA dominated the westernmusical world?
2. What American composers of note of the 20th century do you know?
3. How can you characterise the American music after the Second World War?
4. What influenced the development of both dance music and popular songs in the 1930s and 1940s?
5. What social phenomena have found their expression in rock music?
6. What was the American music dominated by in the 1960s?

contribution - вклад
gospel - евангелие, церковная музыка
sophisticated - утонченный, отвечающий изощренному вкусу
to derive - происходить, получать, извлекать
to gain fame - добиваться славы

Топик Music in the USA - Музыка в США
Music in the USA - Музыка в США

Смотреть далее | 14.12.2023 | Отправить ссылку друзьям

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