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LearnEnglishBest / Сказки / A Stolen Horse - Украденная лошадь [сказка]

It was in South America. A rich Spaniard was riding home when suddenly the horse fell lame. As it happened far from his home did not know what to do for he saw that his horse would not be able to bring him home. A little later he met an Indian riding a fine horse and asked him to exchange the horses. The Indian refused to do this. But the Spaniard, being much stronger than the Indian, made him give up his horse. And the Spaniard rode away, leaving his lame horse to the Indian who was soon left far behind. But the Indian followed him and came to the town where he found the Spaniard. He went to a judge and said that the Spaniard had stolen his horse.

Then the Spaniard was asked to swear that the horse was his own and he had had it for many years. Then the Indian asked to send for the horse. This was done. And the Indian said: "This man swears that he has had this horse for many years; let him, therefore tell you in which of the eyes the horse is blind."

The Spaniard said at once: "In the right eye."

"You are wrong", said the Indian. "Neither in the right nor in the left, it is not blind at all."

And so the horse was returned to the Indian.

to steal (stole, stolen - пр. прош времени) - красть
to be wrong - ошибаться
blind - слепой
to fall lame (fell, fallen) - захромать
to swear (swore, sworn) - клясться
Spaniard - испанец
judge - судья

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